Universal Intent

Updated daily, v1.0.0

up_idImproved person_id, linking all b2c and b2b data. Will eventually replace person_id5x5-9871b1d8-f821- e603-eb8b-b98bb89c2dce
cc_idUnique value for a company id tied to company identifier. This supercedes and replaces the prior company_id field in the IP2C file.5x5-abce3ec5-6e77- b11e-1218-620af8003b99
page_urlThe URL of the page viewed (the event).https://exputer.com/guides/ best-ark-single-player-settings/
ip_addressIPv4 or IPv6 IP Address10.2.20.8
zipThe zip code of the observed signal in the intent file92101
LatThe latitude is correlated to where the IP event occurred.40.799999
LongThe longitude is correlated to where the IP event occurred.-73.970001
CountryThe country is correlated to where the IP event occurred.USA
event_timestampThe date by which the event was observed in our data flows. Dates are formatted in UNIX time.1632421268