Company Firmographics


Release: February 6, 2025

Version: 2.14.0

Size: 1.3 G (.csv), 1.8 G (parquet)

Update Freq: Monthly

Data Schema, Counts, and Fill Rates

FeatureDescriptionCountsFill Rate
company_nameCompany name associated with the person's job title.13,627,54580%
company_domainThe primary domain associated with this company.17,055,163100%
company_phoneGeneral phone number for the company.5,698,77633%
company_sicThe 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code(s) associated with the company. Link is to SIC classification taxonomy.7,115,10242%
company_naicsNorth American Industry Classification System, denoting the primary industry(s) the company is listed in. This field is a comma-separated array with up to 5 NAICS codes.6,550,21138%
company_addressThe physical address of the company headquarters.7,960,47047%
company_address_2The physical address of the company headquarters.304,9292%
company_cityThe city of the company headquarters.12,760,05275%
company_stateState code of company headquarters. This field will include 50 states, Washington DC, the five US territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), and a variety of non-US user-reported data. Please see professional_address and personal_address for additional state data.11,920,24570%
company_zipZip of company headquarters.10,193,35260%
company_linkedin_urlThe URL for the company's LinkedIn profile.6,970,75841%
company_revenueRevenue range associated with the company. This is derived from the employee count and mapped in accordance with the mapping linked here.17,003,807100%
company_employee_countThe number of observed US enterprise employees of this company, fit within standard firmographic ranges, which are listed in this link.17,003,807100%
primary_industryThe primary industry for a company, as observed in multiple firmographic data sets.4,480,21226%
cc_idA persistent, unique ID, assigned to each company in the Co-Op Firmographic dataset. The cc_id, along with the up_id, are used as key linkage across the co-op data sets.17,055,163100%
company_descriptionThis is a varchar(2000) field with the company description from online profiles.2,340,76114%
related_domainsThese are sub-domains and top-level domains that roll to up or redirect to the company_domain field in this record.4,3710.03%

What’s Next

For additional information, please see the release notes linked below.