IP-MAID 90-Day


Release: January 21, 2025

Version: 1.35.0

Size: 312.5G parquet, 202.2G .csv

Update Freq: Monthly

Note: This file is a subset of the full IP-MAID linkage file, limited to signals observed within the last 90 days.

Key Feature Trends

Data Schema, Counts, and Fill Rates

FeatureDescriptionCountsFill Rate
maidMobile Ad ID that can be used to resolve identity and in-market traffic. MAIDs come in 2 flavors; Apple and Android. Apple IDs (IDFA) specifically attributed to iOS are formatted as all UPPERCASE, while Android (aaid) and other IDs are formatted as lowercase.7,038,444,975100%
ip_addressIPv4 or IPv6 IP Address.7,038,444,975100%
maid_platformThe OS platform associated with the MAID based on the structure of the MAID itself. Values are: 'android', 'ios'.7,038,444,975100%
last_seenThe most recent observed date of this MAID, formatted in UNIX time.7,038,444,975100%

What’s Next

For additional information, please see the release notes linked below.