
Release: February 6, 2025

Version: 1.20.0

Size: 29.7 G (.csv), 63.4 G (parquet)

Update Freq: Monthly

Data Schema, Counts, and Fill Rates

FeatureDescriptionCountsFill Rate
ip_addressIPv4 or IPv6 IP Address.351,691,376100%
distribution_percentageThe percentage of traffic associated to the sha256_lc_hem listed in this record. The percentage is a decimal value between 0 and 1, with four degrees of significance.351,691,376100%
sha256_lc_hemThe most observed Sha256 lowercase Hashed EMail (HEM) for this person. Used for identity management and file matching.351,691,376100%
hem_countCount of distinct HEMs (Hashed EMails).351,691,376100%
hem_arrayAll HEMs (Hashed EMails) associated with the ip_address.351,691,376100%
datacenterThis field indicates if the ip address is associated with a data center. (TRUE / FALSE)351,691,376100%

What’s Next

For additional information, please see the release notes linked below.