B2C Person


Release: November 8, 2024

Version: 2.12.0

Size: 19.7 G (.csv), 23.1 G (parquet)

Update Freq: Monthly

Data Schema, Counts, and Fill Rates

FeatureDescriptionCountsFill Rate
up_idUniversal Person ID. This is a unique identifier assigned to a person, linking all business and consumer information to a single individual. The up_id, along with the company_id, are primary keys throughout the co-op data files.220,698,276100%
first_nameFirst name of the person in this record.220,698,276100%
last_nameLast name of the person in this record.220,698,276100%
personal_emailsThe primary personal email observed for this person record.204,912,54393%
additional_personal_emailsAny additional personal emails associated with this person, excluding any emails previously reported as invalid. Stored as a comma-separated array.35,590,33716%
personal_addressWhere this person lives.210,534,20595%
personal_address_2Where this person lives.33,350,71615%
personal_cityThe city in which this person resides.220,623,679100%
personal_stateThe upper-case standard abbreviation for the person's home state. This field will contain 50 US states + Washington D.C. Please see professional_state and company_state for other state data.220,683,165100%
personal_zipThe 5-digit US zip code for the person's home address.218,188,18899%
personal_zip4The 4-digit extension the person's home zip code.205,658,02993%
latitudeThe latitude associated with the person's personal address.207,591,10194%
longitudeThe longitude associated with the person's personal address.207,591,10194%
mobile_phoneMobile number uniquely associated with this person, regardless of business or personal association.141,240,15364%
personal_phoneThe non-mobile, non business related telephone number for this person.93,787,06542%
dpv_codeThe Delivery Point Confirmation Code is the primary method used by the USPS to indicate whether an address was considered deliverable or undeliverable. Y=confirmed for primary and secondary numbers, D=confirmed for primary number only, secondary number missing, S=confirmed for primary number only, secondary number present but unconfirmed, N=both primary and secondary numbers failed to confirm, Blank=no data.129,237,46859%
genderGender of the person (M/F/U).218,034,07199%
age_rangeThe age range this contact fits within. The ranges are industry standard demographic ordinal values, and can be found here. Null values indicate unknown.189,930,09786%
marriedIf the person is married, the value will be 'Y'. Blank values represent unknown.138,456,12963%
childrenIndicates if the person associated with this record has children. Values are 'Y', 'N', or NULL. Null values indicate unknown.99,177,67645%
income_rangeThe income of this person, mapped to industry standard demographic ranges. Link is to the mapping ranges. Null values indicate unknown.114,282,37352%
net_worthEstimate of a households total financial assets minus liabilities, reported within industry standard demographic ranges. Link is the range table. Null values indicate unknown.133,655,87261%
homeownerReports if the person in this record is a homeowner. Y and N are observed values, P represents that they are likely a homeowner, based on probabilistic modeling, and null values represent 'unknown'.143,621,64865%
personal_emails_validation_statusThe validation status of the associated personal email, 'Valid' indicates the email has been validated, a null value represents unknown.162,782,90574%
personal_emails_last_seenThe UNIX timestamp of the last validation observation of this personal email. via validation or other verifiable data. Null values indicate that no data is available.162,782,90574%

What’s Next

For additional information, please see the release notes linked below.